Typo chez Monoro

5-day workshop at Monoro collective’s studio, Quimperlé, June 2019.
Introductory workshop to type design. The purpose of this workshop is to improve letter drawing and Bézier curves skills, while learning the basis of the font editor Glyphs. Each participant was invited to work from a sign lettering found in the city in order to make a kind of digital revival. 4 days to develop a titling typeface, with upper and lower cases, accented characters for French, and a survival kit of punctuation marks. The fifth ‘bonus’ day made it possible to present all of these creations inspired by Quimperlé signs through an exhibition: The inspired, drawn, revisited letter.

Participants : Morgane Côme, Anna Guignard, Delphine Pelerito, Gwenole Jaffrédou, Stéphane Hervé, Guillaume Duval, Jean-Baptiste Moal et Roderick Hudelot