Grands corps palpables

1 week workshop at DSAA LAAB, Lycée Brequigny, Rennes, October 2017
Students were invited to design an original typeface inspired by the spirit of 19th century’s wood type. Several constraints – drawn at random – have laid the foundations of these creations. Numeric at first, these fonts were materialized (thanks to laser cut) in a set of wood type for letterpress printing.
The students then designed a poster, based on a slogan picked from the website La rue ou rien. These posters have been printed and exhibited at the Printing Museum of Nantes.
More information on the Laab website.

Invitation by Flora Commaret & Yves Guilloux
Students: Anne Le Gal, Angelique Onillon, Édouard Beaupère, Coline Ferru, Fanny Fischer, Emma Marichal, Corentin Balcon, Robin Billaudel, Oriane Charvieux, Margot Quigneaux